Fibreglass & GRP Fabrication Specialists
If you run or work for a business in the leisure sector you’ll appreciate the fine balance that must be struck between quality and profitability when it comes to building, extending or refurbishing your facilities, parks, rides and attractions. Fibreglass is the ideal low cost, low maintenance, high quality material for use in this environment, across a whole gamut of functions. From themed characters and rides to water flumes and seating, to name just a few. Hayward Grp are GRP/fibreglass moulding and fabrication specialists with over two and a half decades of experience designing, producing and installing fibreglass composite solutions for national and international companies.
An example of this experience can be seen at Paultons Theme Park in Hampshire – known for its thrilling rides, exotic animals and of course, Peppa Pig World. Hayward Grp were instructed by eibe play international to create a two-metre ladybird and a two-metre tall Mr Potato – who, for all those without four-year-olds at home, is a sort of ringmaster celebrity on the TV show this attraction is based on. They were so pleased with our Mr Potato that he now has pride of place at the entrance of the park.
Hayward Grp provides largely custom-made, client-specific products and creative project solutions, and we truly revel in the variety of our work. No two projects are the same, except for the quality of our work of course, and the leisure industry certainly offers us plenty of variety to work with.
Because fibreglass can be moulded into almost any shape, finished in any colour, made in any size and because it is exceptionally light, strong and resistant to all manner of weather extremes, such as: rot, rust and deterioration. There are many things in the leisure world that can be made from it. Some of these are:
- Slides and flumes
- Fairground rides
- Themed play sculptures
- Public and group seating
- Outdoor furniture
- Interior design and retail components
- Pods and play stations
If you would like to discuss any aspect of our work or have a specific project in mind to talk to us about please do feel free to call us on 01323 679555.
- Fibreglass Fabrication Specialists
- GRP Themed Play Sculptures
- Fibreglass Moulding Company
- Fibreglass Slides and Flumes
- GRP Mould Sculptures
This photograph shows a red sculpture at the playground of VivoCity. It is one of the sculptures entitled "Vivo Punch" by Hong Kong artist Michael Cheung (also known as Michael Punchman). Title devised by Library staff.
- GRP Slide Manufacturers
- Fibreglass Themed Characters
- GRP Water Features
- Fibreglass Outdoor Sculptures
- Play Ground Fibreglass Mouldings
This photograph shows a yellow sculpture at the playground of VivoCity. It is one of the sculptures entitled "Vivo Punch" by Hong Kong artist Michael Cheung (also known as Michael Punchman). Title devised by Library staff.
- GRP Water Slide Manufacturers
- Fibreglass Theme Park Moulding